Green Policies

These are the procedures we use in the O. W. Toad Office.


For the Office:

  • We use acid-free paper that is 100% recycled and ancient-forest friendly (100% post-consumer recycled).
  • We reuse paper for scrap.
  • When possible, we reuse envelopes and boxes for shipping.
  • We use paper that is free of bleach.
  • We check Forest Stewardship Council approval levels.
  • We use recycled products such as Cascade toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues.

For Book Publishing:

  • We use FSC, acid-free paper.
  • We include this provision in publishing contracts.

Useful links:


** Note to charities seeking endorsements and donations**

Solicitation packages, while an important part of fundraising efforts, generate a tremendous amount of wasted paper. Please send only ONE request per year and also consider offering an email option for future solicitations. Any company sending more than one request annually will not be considered for donations.


  • We use Bullfrog Power, the first 100% Green electricity retailer in Ontario.
  • We replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lights.
  • We use EnerGuide and Energy Star certified appliances where possible.
  • We try to turn off lights, computers, and (especially hard to remember) power bars, when not in use.


  • We seal cracks and gaps around windows and doors.
  • We use a programmable thermostat.
  • We do not use air conditioners.
  • We use infrared heating in some locations.
  • We heat and cool ourselves by wearing layers.

Useful links:


  • We do not use plastic water bottles. We have a filter on the main water inlet to deal with chemical tastes.
  • We replace all leaky faucets (leaky valves and faucets can waste up to 400L of water per day).
  • We use environmentally friendly cleaning products.

Useful links:


We are trying to avoid it if possible. When we must fly, we buy Carbon Neutral Credits. We realize that tree planting alone is not the best option and we prefer companies with other initiatives, such as solar power installations.

Useful links:


Please keep your cats indoors or supervise them if they’re outdoors. Consult the following websites for information on how to protect avian species that are threatened by cats, pollution, and by manmade structures. Cats are estimated to cause 200 million bird fatalities in Canada each year. Between 1-10 million migratory birds collide with windows in Toronto each year. Bird populations have decreased across Canada, and bird species at risk increased from 47 to 86 between 2001 and 2014. Birds need our help! To find out what you can do to help birds, visit the websites listed below.

Useful links:


** Most recommendations are based on Canadian products and services.**

Margaret Atwood