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Book of Lives


How does one of the greatest storytellers of our time write her own life? The long-awaited memoir from one of our most lauded and influential cultural figures.

“Every writer is at least two beings: the one who lives, and the one who writes. Though everything written must have passed through their minds, or mind, they are not the same.”

From this unconventional start, Atwood unfolds the story of her life, linking seminal moments to the books that have shaped our literary landscape

Paper Boat

Tracing the legacy of Margaret Atwood—a writer who has fundamentally shaped the contemporary literary landscapes—Paper Boat: New and Selected Poems, 1961–2023 assembles Atwood’s most vital poems in one essential volume.

Old Babes in the Wood


A collection of fifteen extraordinary stories—some of which have appeared in The New Yorker and The New York Times Magazine—explore the full warp and weft of experience, speaking to our unique times with Atwood’s characteristic insight, wit and intellect.


Burning Questions


How can we live on our planet?Is it true? And is it fair?What do zombies have to do with authoritarianism?Find answers to these questions and more in Margaret’s new collection of essays, Burning Questions, publishing in March 2022


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A new poetry collection by Margaret Atwood, entitled DEARLY, will be published on 10 November 2020. DEARLY is Atwood’s first collection in over a decade.

By turns moving, playful and wise, these poems are about absences and endings, ageing and retrospection, but also about gifts and renewals. They explore bodies and minds in transition, as well as the everyday objects and rituals that embed us in the present. Werewolves, sirens, aliens and dreams make their appearance, as do various forms of animal life and fragments of our damaged environment.


The Testaments

The Testaments

In her avidly awaited sequel, Margaret Atwood returns to Gilead, 15 years after the Handmaid called Offred recorded her indelible experiences.

Readers will again enter a dystopia of eerie orderliness as women under ruthless surveillance, their social status indicated by cumbersome, color-coded uniforms, are forced into dehumanizing rituals of sex and punishment.



Hag-Seed is a re-visiting of Shakespeare’s play of magic and illusion, The Tempest, and will be the fourth novel in the Hogarth Shakespeare series.

In Margaret Atwood’s ‘novel take’ on Shakespeare’s original, theatre director Felix has been unceremoniously ousted from his role as Artistic Director of the Makeshiweg Festival. When he lands a job teaching theatre in a prison, the possibility of revenge presents itself – and his cast find themselves taking part in an interactive and illusion-ridden version of The Tempest that will change their lives forever.

There’s a lot of Shakespearean swearing in this new Tempest adventure…but also a mischief, curiosity and vigour that’s entirely Atwood and is sure to delight her fans.


Angel Catbird

Lauded novelist Margaret Atwood and acclaimed artist Johnnie Christmas collaborate on one of the most highly anticipated comic book and literary events of the year!

On a dark night, young genetic engineer Strig Feleedus is accidentally mutated by his own experiment and merges with the DNA of a cat and an owl. What follows is a humorous, action-driven, pulp-inspired superhero adventure– with a lot of cat puns.


The Heart Goes Last

In The Heart Goes Last, bestselling author Margaret Atwood tells the story of Charmaine and Stan, a couple living in their car and surviving almost entirely on tips. Their lives take a drastic turn, however, when they sign up for a ‘social experiment’ that provides them with jobs and a home. The caveat, though, is that the couple must do a stint in a prison cell every second month, while an ‘alternate’ pair occupies their house. According to the publisher, Charmaine and Stan become obsessed with their alternates, and ‘the pressures of conformity, mistrust, guilt and sexual desire begin to take over’.


Stone Mattress


Stone Mattress comprises nine tales. “Tales”, Atwood informs us in the acknowledgements, is the most apt term for these works of fiction because “it evokes the world of the folk tale, the wonder tale and the long-ago teller of tales”


The Year of the Flood

A natural disaster has altered the Earth as we know it, obliterating most human life. The story that unfolds is a testament to Margaret Atwood’s visionary power.


Oryx and Crake


Oryx and Crake is at once an unforgettable love story and a compelling vision of the future that is both all too familiar and beyond our imagining.


Alias Grace

alias gracealias gracealias gracealias gracealias grace

In Alias Grace, bestselling author Margaret Atwood takes us back in time and into the life of one of the most enigmatic and notorious women of the nineteenth century.


The Edible Woman

The Edible WomanThe Edible WomanThe Edible Woman

A brilliant and powerful work rich in irony and metaphor, The Edible Woman is an unforgettable masterpiece by a true master of contemporary literary fiction.



Part detective novel, part psychological thriller, Surfacing is a rich mine of ideas from an extraordinary writer about contemporary life and nature, families and marriage, and about women fragmented…and becoming whole.


The Blind Assassin


The Blind Assassin is a work of extraordinary power. It is an exploration not only of imagined lives past, present, and future, but of the art and artifice of storytelling, crossing boundaries of genre and style in a tour de force of creative daring.


The Handmaid’s Tale


In the world of the near future, who will control women’s bodies? Funny, unexpected, horrifying, and altogether convincing, The Handmaid’s Tale is at once scathing satire, dire warning, and tour de force.


Cat’s Eye


Cat’s Eye is the story of Elaine Risley, a controversial painter who returns to Toronto, the city of her youth, for a retrospective of her art. Engulfed by vivid images of the past, she reminisces about a trio of girls who initiated her into the fierce politics of childhood and its secret world of friendship, longing, and betrayal.


The Robber Bride

Margaret Atwood’s The Robber Bride is inspired by “The Robber Bridegroom,” a wonderfully grisly tale from the Brothers Grimm in which an evil groom lures three maidens into his lair and devours them, one by one. But in her version, Atwood brilliantly recasts the monster as Zenia, a villainess of demonic proportions, and sets her loose in the lives of three friends.


Hymns of the God’s Gardeners


Hymns of the God’s Gardeners can be purchased in CD form from any of the following stores.

For performance permission, please email Or mail to Earthly Ark Music, 916 Marco Place, Venice, CA. 90291, U.S.A.

Audible Books by Margaret Atwood


Balzac’s Coffee Roasters

“Balzac’s Coffee Roasters” is delighted to partner with Canadian author and bird lover Margaret Atwood in creating a Smithsonian Institute certified Bird Friendly® blend to help raise funds and awareness for Canada’s Pelee Island Bird Observatory (PIBO).

One of the world’s most prolific and award-winning authors, Margaret Atwood is truly a Canadian treasure. Her deep commitment to the environment and concern for avian ecosystems make us honoured to work with her in creating this special blend. More Info…

Margaret Atwood