Featured in 2015
Margaret Atwood to release new book in September 2015 – The Heart Goes Last takes place in a not-too distant future where a young couple signs up for a ‘social experiment’ that offers them stable jobs and a home of their own.
The Twitter Fiction Festival returns
Margaret Atwood visits West Point for a frank conversation on gender, politics and oppression. The celebrated author speaks to a class of military academy cadets about her dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale.
Poets & Writers Annual Dinner in Celebration of Writers. In March, the amazing group Poets & Writers, which helps writers in many ways, had its annual dinner. I was very pleased to be among the honourees.
2015 Foreign Honorary and Special Awards – In May, the American Academy of Arts and Letters elected several new foreign writers, Margaret Atwood included.
In May, the launch of the Future Library project in Oslo, Norway:
Margaret Atwood’s ‘Dear 2114’ Future Library Writing Contest.
Future Library – Margaret Atwood and Katie Paterson – May 26, 2015.
MaddAddamites NooBroo – In June, the launch of Beau’s All Natural MaddAddamites NooBroo, in honour of the MaddAddam Trilogy, a fundraiser for www.pibo.org.